Things To Remember For Breast Augmentation In Sydney

Do you feel like your breast is too small and unable to fit most clothing? Worry not! Breast implants in Sydney are one of the most common forms of plastic surgery nowadays. Women get this augmentation done for various reasons.
A common goal for breast augmentation is to achieve a balanced shape, volume, and size. These attributes are prioritised because they can give an awkward look to your body when imbalanced, as your breasts look better when proportional to the rest of your body.
Let’s look at a few things that you should know before getting a breast augmentation!
Procedure Time
The procedure of breast augmentation only takes around 1 hour and a maximum duration of 1 hour 30 minutes. This is because the surgery is performed through a trans axillary incision.
If your procedure takes only one day to be completed, there’s usually no need for hospitalisation. There are rare cases where the surgeon may recommend you to be hospitalised for one night if they think some difficulties are involved.
Recovery from Surgery
Remember that the results immediately after the augmentation are not final. It takes a while for the bruises and swelling to heal, like any other plastic surgery. The recovery process can take up to weeks.
It is recommended that you wear supportive bras during the first month after augmentation and avoid heavy exercise.
Factors to Consider Before Deciding on Breast Implants Sydney
Breast augmentation is highly rated nowadays. According to ISAPS, there were 20,000 breast implants in Sydney. However, it is not the correct procedure for every woman. There are a few factors that you should carefully consider before making the final decision.
- Your overall health is good
- You’re at a stage where your breasts are fully developed
- You’re not pregnant
- You don’t breastfeed
- You don’t have severe medical conditions
Cost of Breast Augmentation
In Sydney, the cost for breast augmentation surgery can start from as low as $6000 and go as high as $12,000. These costs differ according to the patient and the procedure itself.
Types of Breast Implants
There are many types of breast augmentation surgeries. This is because all women have different requirements and desires. The reason for them getting an implant is because they want customisation. A few types of breast implants are mentioned:
- Saline-filled Implant: This type of surgery is not common in Australia or any other country. It’s because the implant feels firmer than a natural breast.
- Silicon Implant: This type of surgery is the most preferred type of implant. This procedure gives a natural feel, which most women desire.
Final Thoughts
All in all, breast augmentation is helpful for those women who desire fuller breasts if they’re currently unhappy about them. The last important thing to keep in mind before surgery is that you should always have realistic expectations.
Since they can improve the size and shape of breasts, some women get disappointed by the results because breast augmentation doesn’t deal with sagging or drooping. This plastic surgery is considerably safe.
However, it’s not meant to last you through your whole life. You may need to schedule another appointment to improve the shape and size of your breasts!