Flexiv Chinese Ai Series Meituanliaotechcrunch

Flexiv Chinese Ai Series Meituanliaotechcrunch

Flexiv chinese 100m meituanliaotechcrunch – Flexiv, a Chinese mechanical technology organization, has gotten a 100 million dollar speculation from Meituan, a Chinese on-request benefits organization, to support its man-made consciousness (simulated intelligence) innovation. This is an extremely huge amount of cash that will give Flexiva a critical benefit over its opposition. With this speculation, Flexiva will actually want to turn into a forerunner in the mechanical technology market.

Flexiva was established by a gathering from the US, however the organization’s center arranging is presently finished in China. The organization has filled essentially as of late, and presently has north of 66% of its workers in different urban areas in China and California, US.

Flexiva is utilizing man-made intelligence to work on its activities and better foresee what’s in store. The organization intends to involve this innovation to make mechanical answers for different enterprises, including medical care, assembling, strategies, and food administration.

Meituan’s interest in Flexiva is important for a bigger pattern of Chinese organizations putting resources into mechanical technology organizations. This is on the grounds that the Chinese government is empowering organizations to put resources into advanced mechanics and man-made reasoning as a component of its “Made in China 2025” plan. This plan is intended to assist China with turning into a main assembling country on the planet.

Medical services

Flexiva’s medical services arrangements are intended to work on quiet consideration and increment productivity in clinics. The organization’s items incorporate a mechanical drug store framework and a careful robot.

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The drug store framework is intended to computerize the most common way of filling solutions. This will decrease how much time expected to fill a solution, and it will likewise lessen the opportunity of blunders.

The careful robot is intended to help specialists in carrying out procedure. The robot can be constrained by the specialist, or it very well may be customized to play out specific assignments all alone. This will permit specialists to carry out additional perplexing procedures with less gamble of difficulties.


Flexiva’s assembling arrangements are intended to further develop effectiveness and quality in production lines. The organization’s items incorporate a mechanical welding framework and a mechanical gathering framework.

The welding framework is intended to mechanize the method involved with welding. This will decrease how much time expected to weld a section, and it will likewise lessen the opportunity of blunders.

The gathering framework is intended to mechanize the method involved with collecting parts. This will diminish how much time expected to gather an item, and it will likewise lessen the opportunity of blunders.

Planned operations

Flexiva’s planned operations arrangements are intended to further develop effectiveness in the transportation of products. The organization’s items incorporate a mechanical truck framework and a mechanical stockroom framework.

The truck framework is intended to computerize the method involved with stacking and dumping trucks. This will lessen how much time expected to stack and dump a truck, and it will likewise diminish the opportunity of blunders.

The distribution center framework is intended to robotize the most common way of arranging and putting away products in a stockroom. This will lessen how much time expected to sort and store products, and it will likewise decrease the opportunity of blunders.

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Food Administration

Flexiva’s food administration arrangements are intended to further develop proficiency in eateries. The organization’s items incorporate a mechanical kitchen framework and an automated server framework.

The kitchen framework is intended to robotize the method involved with planning food. This will lessen how much time expected to set up a dinner, and it will likewise decrease the opportunity of blunders.

The server framework is intended to mechanize the method involved with serving food. This will decrease how much time expected to serve a dinner, and it will likewise lessen the opportunity of blunders.


Flexiv’s 100 million dollar venture from Meituan will permit the organization to turn into a main mechanical technology organization. The organization’s items are intended to further develop productivity in different businesses, including medical care, assembling, operations, and food administration.

Related FAQs

What is flexiv 100m series meituanliaotechcrunch?

Flexiv 100m is a progression of speculation adjusts drove by Meituan that have assisted Flexiv with raising north of 130 million USD.

What is Meituan Liao?

Meituan Liao is a Chinese on-request benefits organization that has put 100 million USD in Flexiv to assist them with supporting their man-made intelligence innovation.

What is the Made in China 2025 arrangement?

The Made in China 2025 arrangement is an arrangement by the Chinese government to urge organizations to put resources into mechanical technology and man-made reasoning.

Chinese man-made intelligence 100m meituanliaotechcrunch

Flexiv chinese man-made intelligence meituanliaotechcrunch is a venture by Meituan Liao, a Chinese on-request benefits organization, to support Flexiv’s simulated intelligence innovation.

What is chinese simulated intelligence 100m series meituanliaotechcrunch?

Chinese flexiv man-made intelligence 100m meituanliaotechcrunch is a progression of venture adjusts drove by Meituan that have assisted Flexiv with raising more than 130 million USD. This venture will assist Flexiv with turning into a forerunner in the mechanical technology market.

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